Wednesday, February 24

Verb Phrases versus Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs

Verbs with a preposition,advers or toher particles that together change the meaning of the main verb.

Look                        look out (tener cuidado)
(Mira)                      look up to (admirar)

Turn                        turn out (apagar)                       

       Transitives = Take after
                              He takes after his mother.

                You can separate: Verb + Noun

                                  Verb + Pron + Particle
                You can't separate: Direct Object
                                                + After Verb

         Intransitives = Turn up (No D.O.)
                                 I was waiting for him but he didn't turn up.
                                 Lo estuve esperando pero no apareció.
  Break away = escaparse
  Break up = romper (con alguien)

Verb Phrases 

The meaning of the verb doesn't change.
  Look at = mirar a algo/alguien

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